📆 You're Invited: 2 Free LIVE Events


September is back to school and back to business.

I'm hosting 2 FREE webinars over the next month to help you:

  • Grow your Solopreneur MRR in a sustainable way
  • Master LinkedIn Sales

Whether you're just starting out or, like me, are ready to scale to the next level, I'm sharing everything I'm learning as I grow my Solopreneur business (newsletter + community + courses) to $50k MRR.

Over the next month I'm doing two FREE webinars to help you increase your revenue and.....if we are being fully honest.....learn from all the mistakes I already made ;)

Hope to see you there!

PS if you sign up you will get the replay automatically even if you can't make it!

Upcoming Events

9/24: 5 Steps to Increase $ales on LinkedIn, Faster

I'll be sharing exactly how I'm using lead magnets + proven social sales strategies to 3x my response rate and increase my sales pipeline on LinkedIn. Learn how I'm using Taplio + Lemlist to automate a lot of the process!

9/26: How I'm getting to $50k MRR with LevelUp Creators

This is not your average webinar—it's a practical & actionable session where you'll learn all the changes we're making to my business to get me to $50k MRR by the end of the year (from $15k). Plus Q&A to answer all your questions!

Reminder: All webinars will be recorded and shared with registrants so sign up and get these learnings!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
Unsubscribe · Preferences

🧩 Life's A Game

2x Founder | Brand Builder | Creator | Investor Featured in Forbes, Ad Week, Poosh, The Skinny Confidential Over 110,000 people follow Amanda to learn how to get the most out of life. Single mom x3 Teaching Productivity to emerging Leaders via Morning Brew

Read more from 🧩 Life's A Game
A person holding a smart phone with social media on the screen

Welcome to Life's a Game, a weekly newsletter to help ambitious people build a more meaningful and integrated life. Was this sent to you? Subscribe here so you don't miss the next one. Turning LinkedIn Content to Sales ↓ Quick Spin: The Framework I use for creating content for my ICP How to generate warm leads on LinkedIn My 3 Step Process for turning leads ➡️ Sales As a reminder, September is back to school and back to business mode for many of us. For the month of September, I’m using my...

UPCOMING WEBINARS September is back to school and back to business. I'm hosting 2 FREE webinars over the next month to help you: Grow your Solopreneur MRR in a sustainable way Master LinkedIn Sales Whether you're just starting out or, like me, are ready to scale to the next level, I'm sharing everything I'm learning as I grow my Solopreneur business (newsletter + community + courses) to $50k MRR. Over the next month I'm doing two FREE webinars to help you increase your revenue and.....if we...

Welcome to Life's a Game, a weekly newsletter to help ambitious people build a more meaningful and integrated life. Was this sent to you? Subscribe here so you don't miss the next one. The Road to $50K MRR as a Solopreneur ↓ Quick Spin: The hard truth about building a business 3 Changes I had to make Free Webinar Invite! The full plan of how I'm getting to $50k MRR September is back to school and back to business. As a reminder - Life’s a Game is about leveling up the game of life both...