🧩 Life's a Game: 3 Changes I had to Make...


Welcome to Life's a Game, a weekly newsletter to help ambitious people build a more meaningful and integrated life. Was this sent to you? Subscribe here so you don't miss the next one.​

The Road to $50K MRR as a Solopreneur


Quick Spin:

  • The hard truth about building a business
  • 3 Changes I had to make
  • Free Webinar Invite! The full plan of how I'm getting to $50k MRR


September is back to school and back to business.

As a reminder - Life’s a Game is about leveling up the game of life both personally and professionally.

For the entire month of September, I’m using the 4 newsletters to share exactly how I’m building my solopreneur / creator / consultant business.

In October we will shift to internal, personal growth and how I'm avoiding burnout while juggling 3 kids, 2 dogs, my health and a partridge and a pear tree.



For those who don’t know, exactly one year ago I quit my 9-5 corporate career as a marketing executive to build a solopreneur business as an author and consultant.

The first five months were filled with learning and building the foundation: launching a newsletter, building a community and creating a digital course to share my 20+ years of juggling work and life.

Those got me to $12k MRR (monthly recurring revenue) in 6 months.

Then I hit a ceiling…..

A scaling ceiling.

I couldn’t figure out how to take it to the next level as a one-woman show.

And then I met Amanda Northcutt - founder and CEO of Level Up Creators and I thought “I literally need to level up my business”.

Their white glove consultancy and Creator School are designed to help creators build generational wealth through rock solid recurring revenue.

As a first generation college grad who lost all her money in a divorce and had to start over at the age of 32 raising 3 kids in a pandemic....I was excited to learn everything I could from her.

After meeting and realizing how much I was going to learn from Amanda and the Level Up team I thought “why not do this in public?!” My superpower is helping people get started, build their brand and become a great marketer (without burning out) - her superpower is building a sustainable business on top of that.

Seemed like a no brainer to combine forces and share it all with you.

So here we are.

We are on the road to building my solopreneur business to $50k MRR in 6 months.

We are 3 months in and I want to share it ALL with you.

  • If you’ve ever thought about monetizing an audience….
  • If you’ve ever thought about creating a course….
  • If you’ve ever thought about starting a newsletter…..

This newsletter (and webinar) is for you.

PS We are doing a full (FREE) deep dive webinar on Thursday, September 26th at 12:00pm EST to show you:

  • The biggest changes we are making to my business to get to $50k MRR
  • All my solopreneur funnel optimizations and how they connect
  • The projections to hit $50k MRR.


Today I’m going to share the 3 biggest changes Level Up has made to my creator business to shift me from a lifestyle business to building towards something that could change my life and my kids lives.

CHANGE #1: Started with Mission, Vision and Goals

Most people focus on the WHAT before the WHY.

Level Up Creators took me through an 8 hour onboarding experience that felt equal parts business and therapy.

If you don’t know why you want to build something, you will never fully nail the what and how.

Ask yourself:

  • Why are you here doing what you are doing?
  • Why is this important to you personally?
  • Why do you want to dedicate the next 10 years of your life to this?

Note: if your answer is money, you will struggle. You have to be connected to the mission and let the outcome follow.

My Why.....

CHANGE #2: Got more specific on WHO

You've probably heard the phrases:

  • ➡️ “The riches are in the niches.”
  • ➡️ “If you sell to everyone, you end up selling to no one.”

But I've been allergic to niches.

As a self-proclaimed polymath I strive to live outside of prescribed boxes.

Then I got some valid feedback.

"I joined Office Hours but wasn't really sure what I was getting."

I've jumped back and forth between productivity vs. marketing vs. building a creator business vs. living an authentic life, it was never really clear who I was serving and what transformation they would receive.

So Amanda Northcutt pushed me to think about who I wanted to serve, what their pain points are and what transformations I could provide.

Reminder: If you try to be for everyone, you will likely be for no one.

​Click here to follow the 5 steps I took to finding my Office Hours ICP (ideal customer profile).

Spoiler: I'm a high performance coach to ambitious working parents or those who aspire to “have it all” but are struggling to figure it out.

Change #3: Updated my Product Ladder

Now that I had a clear ICP, we focused on creating products to solve their pain points.

To create the most effective product strategy, what’s being offered must employ the following 4 attributes:

  • ➡️ Valuable - to be valuable, a resource must either allow a person to achieve greater performance than a rival or reduce a weakness relative to a rival.
  • ➡️ Rare - Given competition, a resource must be rare
  • ➡️ Inimitable - not easily imitated
  • ➡️ Nonsubstitutable - even if valuable, rare, and inimitable, a resource can’t easily be substituted

In order to refine my 10+ ideas of products to build, Level Up asked me the following questions:

1. What are the top 3 things our ICP wants a solution for?

2. How do they want to feel?

3. What happens to your ICP if they don't solve this problem? Do they stand to lose something? Not get something they really need or want? Are they going to miss out (FOMO)

4. What stands between them and their goal?

5. What are they afraid of?

6. What are the non negotiables to achieve the outcomes & transformation? What must the customer absolutely do?

​Sneak peak at my Product Ladder in the tweet below:


♟️ Let's Win Together.

We are just getting started!

If you are interested in learning more - we are going even deeper into the funnel optimizations and projections of my business in a FREE WEBINAR on September 26th with Level Up Creators. Click here to sign up and get the replay if you can’t make it!

Ps want to learn more about Level Up Creators & Creator School - click here!


Reminder - I'm doing a 4 week series in September on how I'm building my Solopreneur business.

Next week: How I'm using LinkedIn as a sales tool.

Not your cup of tea? October will be about productivity, time management and high performance.

Thank you for reading! I appreciate you so so much!


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🧩 Life's A Game

2x Founder | Brand Builder | Creator | Investor Featured in Forbes, Ad Week, Poosh, The Skinny Confidential Over 110,000 people follow Amanda to learn how to get the most out of life. Single mom x3 Teaching Productivity to emerging Leaders via Morning Brew

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A person holding a smart phone with social media on the screen

Welcome to Life's a Game, a weekly newsletter to help ambitious people build a more meaningful and integrated life. Was this sent to you? Subscribe here so you don't miss the next one. Turning LinkedIn Content to Sales ↓ Quick Spin: The Framework I use for creating content for my ICP How to generate warm leads on LinkedIn My 3 Step Process for turning leads ➡️ Sales As a reminder, September is back to school and back to business mode for many of us. For the month of September, I’m using my...

UPCOMING WEBINARS September is back to school and back to business. I'm hosting 2 FREE webinars over the next month to help you: Grow your Solopreneur MRR in a sustainable way Master LinkedIn Sales Whether you're just starting out or, like me, are ready to scale to the next level, I'm sharing everything I'm learning as I grow my Solopreneur business (newsletter + community + courses) to $50k MRR. Over the next month I'm doing two FREE webinars to help you increase your revenue and.....if we...

UPCOMING WEBINARS September is back to school and back to business. I'm hosting 2 FREE webinars over the next month to help you: Grow your Solopreneur MRR in a sustainable way Master LinkedIn Sales Whether you're just starting out or, like me, are ready to scale to the next level, I'm sharing everything I'm learning as I grow my Solopreneur business (newsletter + community + courses) to $50k MRR. Over the next month I'm doing two FREE webinars to help you increase your revenue and.....if we...