🧩 Life's a Game: Turning LinkedIn ➡️ $$$

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Turning LinkedIn Content to Sales

Quick Spin:

  • The Framework I use for creating content for my ICP
  • How to generate warm leads on LinkedIn
  • My 3 Step Process for turning leads ➡️ Sales

As a reminder, September is back to school and back to business mode for many of us.

For the month of September, I’m using my newsletters to share details on how I’m building my solopreneur business.

Next month we will focus on internal, personal growth.

PS I’m hosting a free webinar on Tuesday, September 24th to share the step by step process I use to generate sales on LinkedIn. I’ll share how to better connect your content and sales funnels, the trick I use to 3x my DM response rate and how I use Taplio + Lemlist to automate the entire funnel.

Click here to register & get the replay!

PS : Want to try Taplio for 50% off the first 3 months? Click here and use code AMANDAWEBTAPLIO at checkout.

Want to try Lemlist for 30% off the first 3 months? Click here and use code AMANDAWEBLEMLIST at checkout.


I’ve been a marketer for 20 years.

And one of my core principles of marketing was recently….. rocked.

The marketing funnel begins with awareness and the biggest lever to generate awareness today? Social Media.

Ok we know this much.

After someone becomes aware, you warm them and eventually drive them to a landing page to turn awareness into interest.

Like a second or third date. You aren’t asking to be exclusive yet, they are still getting to know you.

Finally [when you’ve adequately shown value and validated their needs and emotions] you sell them.

Here is where I was wrong.

You CAN turn social media connections into sales.

With the right content + sales strategy you can turn awareness into conversion faster than ever.

Today I’m going to show you how I’ve been using social media to generate over $183,000 in sales in the past year.

And if today sparks your interest, join me in the FREE WEBINAR on Tuesday, September 24.


Today I’m going to share a simple strategy I use to generate 3x responses and sales on LinkedIn.

These will be helpful for anyone looking to connect with:

  • New clients
  • Subscribers or members
  • Potential mentors or new bosses

Follow these 3 steps I use to generate 3x more responses + sales on Linkedin.

Step 1: The 80% Rule

80% of my content needs to be part of my T-H-I-S strategy.

T = Teach me how to do something
H = Help me do it better, faster, cheaper
I = Inspire me to do it consistency
S = Show me how you do it

This is your core content and must clearly connect with your ICP (ideal customer profiles) pervasive pain points.

About 134.5 million users actively use LinkedIn each day. Sticking to the 80% rule will help you find people who actually need what you are selling.

(PS - The other 20% of your content should help your audience know who you are as a human. More to come on that next week!!)

Step 2: Create a LinkedIn Lead Magnet

Everyone is focusing on hooks and digital writing.

But I’ve unlocked the type of content that actually gets replies and breaks through the sea of sameness.

I’ve summarized the entire strategy and want to give you free access.


Did you try to click the button?

This is the power of lead magnets. You’ve used 80% of your social content to generate trust and now it's time to offer them something of added value for free.

PRO TIP: I use Taplio’s auto reply / DM function to generate the replies with the lead magnet links! Feel free to steal my CTA:

Want access?
I’m sharing the playbook with everyone that:
—> Likes this post
—> Comments “PLAYBOOK”

Step 3: Turn Interest into Sales

I don’t know about you but half of my social media inboxes look like this:

I don’t know this person.

I’ve never talked about ad videos.

I’ve never liked any content talking about ad videos.

Now….if I had been liking and saving content about creating videos for my newsletter, I’d be MUCH more likely to reply.

This is the difference between cold and warm outreach and why Steps 1 & 2 are critical to getting to Step 3: The Sale.

I’m partnering with Taplio + Lemlist on today’s newsletter because they have built a software to automate what I was doing manually:

Turning the people who like / engage with my content into customers.

Here’s how simple it is:

  • Generate a list of the people who engaged with your post
  • Next, pull that list from Taplio → Lemlist

  • Build a sales campaign in Lemlist to automate. You can email, chat, voice message and more!

That’s it.

That’s the 3 step process I use to turn social media into a sales machine without having to cold call (or cold DM).

This is how you find people who actually need what you have to offer.

Reminder, if this sparked any interest, I’m going deeper on all of this on September 24th. Click here to register!

Thank you for reading!

I appreciate you so so much!


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🧩 Life's A Game

2x Founder | Brand Builder | Creator | Investor Featured in Forbes, Ad Week, Poosh, The Skinny Confidential Over 110,000 people follow Amanda to learn how to get the most out of life. Single mom x3 Teaching Productivity to emerging Leaders via Morning Brew

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