🧩 Life's a Game: Creating Emotional Connection


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How to Create Emotional Connections Online and Off


Quick Spin:

This is email 3 of 4 of our "Back to Business" sprint in September. We are focused on how to stand out in the sea of sameness online. You can always access previous newsletters here.

Next month we are focusing on internal growth and productivity before we head into the holidays.

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As a former founder of a D2C company, one of the tools I used every day was Recharge. They are the engine behind subscription and loyalty programs of routine based brands like Billie, Cometeer, Vital Proteins and more.

They recently announced their Tomorrow Brands Challenge with over $1m in prizes, 3 big winners! Prizes will go to the brands that acquire the most subscribers and keep them the longest during Jan 1 - June 30, 2025. Sign up before Dec 31 to enter!

​Learn more about the Tomorrow Brand Challenge​


The #1 question I get from people looking to start a business (froms startups to solopreneurs) is “how do I stand out”?

It can feel like we are all swimming in the sea of sameness.

I’m about to hit 150,000 followers across LinkedIn and Twitter and 50,000 newsletter subscribers (which still blows my mind and I’m so incredibly grateful).

And I did it by following one simple rule: create an emotional connection.

When Recharge asked me to create a video to help D2C brand marketers and founders understand how to inject emotion into their routine based product brands, I knew these tips had other applications:

Creating emotional connection helps:

  • In your career
  • In your relationships
  • In your community

Creating an emotional connection with anyone (online or offline) is a superpower so today I’m sharing tips to harness your ability to connect deeper with those around you.

You can watch the video and access their full video library here:


Feeling disconnected from others? I’ve summarized 4 tips for creating authentic emotional connections with new people, whether at work, in social situations, or online:

PS if you are looking to build a more authentic personal brand online, I recently opened the doors to my 35 Day Challenge (it's like 75 Hard for Building a Personal Brand). Challenge kicks off October 15th. Check it out here!​


Tip #1 Practice Active Listening

Listen to understand, not just to respond.

Pro tip: before you give your thoughts/feedback, try to paraphrase what you heard the other person say to confirm understanding and encourage deeper conversation.

Steal this “Just so I can fully understand, what I heard you say is XYZ”

A note about social media + listening…

Talking at an audience isn’t a community..... it’s a crowd.

If you want genuine connections be sure to ask questions and read what THEY are saying in their own channels. What’s important to you may not be what’s important to them.


Tip #2. Be Vulnerable and Genuine

Authenticity is such a buzz word but what does it actually mean?

Creating an authentic emotional connection stems from opening up about your own experiences, emotions, and thoughts in a way that feels comfortable.

This invites others to do the same and fosters a sense of trust and mutual understanding.

Every person is different in what they consider “private”.

I’m known for talking openly about my fertility treatments, divorce and even started a sexual wellness company for women, but the number one thing to remember: check in with yourself before you share something.

  • What is my motivation for sharing?
  • Is it helpful?
  • Am I trying to manufacture intimacy?
  • Am I doing this to get the other person to open up to me?

When we embrace imperfection we are seen as more relatable.

No one has it all figured out so don’t pretend to and you will likely build deeper connections.

Marketing tip: This is the power of founder or team-focused branding. People connect with people more than logos.


Tip #3. Show Empathy and Understanding

Recognize and validate the other person’s emotions to build authentic and emotional connection. You can say things like, "It sounds like that was really challenging for you."

Tip: When someone opens up, be sure to ask “are you looking for support or solutions?"

Sometimes we just want a safe space to open up and not looking for feedback.

Tip #4. Be Present and Attentive

Have you ever been to a dinner with someone who doesn’t take out their phone once? Giving someone your full attention is a rare experience these days but communicates a feeling of respect and genuine interest.

I'd rather be fully present for 30 mins with someone than distracted for 2 hours. Stop multitasking!

To recap:

Which of these do you think is the most difficult for people these days?
Reply and let me know!!

Want deeper emotional connections?

  • Actively listen
  • Be Genuine
  • Show Empathy
  • Be Present

If you do this with your audience, your family or your colleagues….I can guarantee better results across the board.

PS if you are looking to build a more authentic personal brand online, I recently opened the doors to my 35 Day Challenge (it's like 75 Hard for Building a Personal Brand). Challenge kicks off October 15th. Check it out here!​


See you next week for the final "Back to Business" September newsletter!


Thank you for reading!

I appreciate you so so much!


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🧩 Life's A Game

2x Founder | Brand Builder | Creator | Investor Featured in Forbes, Ad Week, Poosh, The Skinny Confidential Over 110,000 people follow Amanda to learn how to get the most out of life. Single mom x3 Teaching Productivity to emerging Leaders via Morning Brew

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