🧩 Life's a Game: How to Win* Summer


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How Successful* People Approach Summer


Quick Spin:

  • Reframing Success in Summer
  • The 5 Things Successful* People do in summer
  • My 1-2-3-4-5-6-10 Summer framework


I saw a video recently that said millennials are the last generation to know the feeling of waking up slowly on a summer day, seeing the sun peak in their window, hearing the birds chirping outside, perhaps your parents making noise in the kitchen, and having no idea what you are going to do. Complete boredom.

What if we could bring back a glimmer of that?

School’s (almost) out for summer.

For many of us that doesn’t mean much when we have a full time job, kids now at home and more responsibilities to entertain, travel and more.

Summer is supposed to be a time to reap the rewards of the seeds we’ve been planting but why does it feel like we are speeding up rather than slow down?

Probably because we are inundated with headlines such as this:

Life’s a Game is about the balance and enjoyment of life while we push for more - but most of us can’t take 3 months off from our jobs.

I’m turning 39 this year.

Even if I live to be 90, I only have 51 summers left.

And I want to make each one special.

The most successful* people I know do the following 5 things in the summer (*successful = happy, content and ambitious):

#1 They reflect. ​
Summer is a great time to reflect at a macro level. Not just how the year is going but how this chapter of life is going. Are you where you want to be? If not, how big is the gap? Are you surrounded by people who support and energize you?

​Check out this exercise to help guide your reflection. ​

#2 They break.

If you don’t take a break, you will break down and the most successful people use summer to give themselves permission to slow down.

Warren Buffett spends 80 percent of his time reading and thinking, and has done so for his entire career.

Thinking time is just as important as doing and successful people know this.

#3 They look ahead.

Now that you’ve reflected and created space to think. Summer is a great time to plan ahead and make your Q4 roadmap for your business and life.

  • What milestones do you want to hit personally and professionally?
  • What's getting in the way?
  • What changes need to be made?

#4 They explore.

Novelty and exploration are key to building new neural connections in your brain.

Studies show that focusing your brain on new problems can actually help unlock new possible solutions for old ones.

Successful people know that variety of experience leads to mastering their craft.

#5 They connect.

The most *successful people use summer to connect with their friends and family. (remember, I view success as more than a bank account number)

If I only have 50ish summers left then likely I only have 20ish with my parents and only 10ish with kids still in my home.

Stop waiting for “things to slow down” to spend time with those you love.


I’ve taken these goals and turned it into an easy to follow 1-2-3-4-5-6-10 framework for you to follow to make sure summer 2024 is a success.

ONE Big Project a summer.

I focus on only moving one big project forward a summer. Last year it was launching this newsletter. This year I’m focused on my interim CMO at The Post and launching new cities. What is the one thing you want to work on and move forward?

TWO - Dos a Day

Every day I block out two hours of deep, focused work (before my kids are up and moving) and use that time to move forward 2 things that align with that big project or keep the other balls in the air.

THREE Meetings a Day

I take no more than 3 meetings a day usually between the hours of 12-3pm when my kids are having downtime and it’s too hot outside.

  • This allows me to get my deep work done in the mornings.
  • Enjoy my kiddos and have lunch.
  • Let them watch a movie, have a playdate or have a babysitter during meetings.
  • Be done by 3pm to workout, relax and enjoy the summer nights with my kiddos.

Even if you don’t work for yourself, talk to your boss and see if a summer schedule meeting block could work for the team.

FOUR Days a Week

Summer Fridays should be a universal thing and if you have control over your schedule this is your signal to adopt them.

No meetings.
No work.

Just fun, friends, family and freedom to go explore.

FIVE Days with Friends

If you’re like me, social media leads me to believe everyone is being invited to everything and you feel FOMO.

But the problem is everyone is just waiting around to be invited to something. To feel included.

This is your signal to plan 5 outings with friends or family. 5 intentional days of fun.

Beach day.
Spa Day.

Whatever floats your boat. Oh, Boat day! You get the idea.

Plan 5 days right now and get it on the calendar before summer flies by.

SIX TO TEN Days offline

If you haven’t planned a summer getaway, now is the time to do it. You also have to commit to unplugging from work as well, as 56% of workers in a survey said they routinely touch base with work when they're supposed to be taking a vacation break.

The most successful people allow their brains to completely detach from work. If you are really stressed about stepping away from algorithms, you can schedule content for while you are gone.

If you work for someone, here’s a cheat sheet for how to maximize vacation days for the rest of 2024.

  • May 28-31 = four vacation days becomes 9 days off.
  • June 20-21 = two vacation days becomes 5 days off.
  • July 1-3 and 5 = four vacation days becomes 9 days off.
  • Sept. 3-6 =four vacation days becomes 9 days off.
  • Nov. 12-15 = four vacation days becomes 9 days off.
  • Nov. 25-27 and 29 = four vacation days becomes 9 days off.
  • Dec. 23-24, 26-27, 30-31 = six vacation days becomes 12 days off.

Can’t wait to hear if this resonates with you!!!

Happy summer!!


♟️ Let's Win Together.

Ready to build your side hustle? I want to help!

If today's newsletter gets you curious about creating something this summer, I have a community of over 100 people starting their brands --> revenue businesses. We meet daily in slack, bi-weekly coaching sessions plus monthly deep dives on topics like newsletters, email courses, digital products and more.

I'm opening up 10 more spots in June! If you've been waiting for a sign to get more intentional with passive income streams.....this might be it.

​Click here to secure your spot.


Thank you for reading!

I appreciate you so so much!


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🧩 Life's A Game

2x Founder | Brand Builder | Creator | Investor Featured in Forbes, Ad Week, Poosh, The Skinny Confidential Over 110,000 people follow Amanda to learn how to get the most out of life. Single mom x3 Teaching Productivity to emerging Leaders via Morning Brew

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